Coming Soon
we are part of the difference, we have excellent team in our different nail, hair, spa pedicure services, also in sales of products from the same virtual as physically.
we use the best products on the market (Valentino, mia secret, yakelin Acosta, sweet candy, opi, esse, Riya among others) taking into account that we have nothing with the MMA content (methyl metal) that affects your health like that of your fingers.
We also offer the different nail workshops, if you want to learn correctly, everything related to the nail industry, this is your place, in our workshops, we offer a range of learning depending on your need.
We are part of the difference, we have an excellent team in our different services of hair, nails, lashes, spa and much more, also in sales of products of the same virtual as physical nature.
We use the best hair products on the market lineage the best Italian line among others in terms of nails (Valentino, mia secret, yakelin Acosta, sweet candy, opi, esse, Riya among others) taking into account that we do not have anything with MMA (methyl metal) content that affects your health like that of your fingers.
We also offer different nail workshops, if you want to learn correctly, everything related to the nail industry, this is your place, in our workshops we offer a range of learning depending on your need.